Rouleurs Code of Conduct
Riding, or spending time off the bike, with the Rouleurs, must feel fun, safe, inclusive and supportive. We have a short and simple Code of Conduct to help underline that anyone spending time with a Rouleur can expect this and knows what to do if it doesn’t happen.
· Rouleurs Ride Together – we always adhere to the no drop policy and ensure the speed is within speed bands, at the pace everyone is comfortable with, and no one is left behind, unless by their explicit request and it is safe to do so.
· We follow the Highway Code, and always ride in a helmet and on a roadworthy bike.
· We have a shared responsibility to look after ourselves and each other on every ride.
· We give calls and instructions and assist by passing calls or signs up and down the group.
· We report any concerns to a committee member.
· We represent our club on the road by safe and respectful behaviour to all road users and pedestrians.
· We respect each other. Being mindful of how we act or speak might affect others around us.
· We have a zero-tolerance for prejudice, discrimination and harassment. This should reported to a committee member as soon as possible, where it will be taken seriously. Rouleurs all have a responsibility to challenge and report this if they see it in the club.
· We foster a culture of learning and accountability. This means being ready to accept responsibility for our actions and to make amends.
We have a detailed Club Constitution and we adopt British Cycling’s Code of Conduct